After 4 days of fishing Team Frenzy wins the 9th annual Gray International Fly Tournament. My fishing partner, Kerwin Steffen, won the Outstanding Angler award! We only had 3 sails for the day and managed to hold off a late rally by our friends Steve and John on the Sea Lady. The day was filled with a lot of excitement as most boats reported multiple marlin raises and some hookups. We had two in the baits but no bites. This tournament produced the most marlin anyone has seen in a long time. Our totals for the 4 days of fishing are: 40 sailfish raised with 11 releases and 9 marlin raised with 1 released. I'll update this post with some photos later today.
Kerwin and I could not have won this tournament without the great teamwork of our captain Jose and mate Marco. These two guys work great together and keep their heads about them even when marlin come crashing the baits. We have fished with Jose and Marco for a number of years and look forward to many more years together.
This year, as for the past two tournaments, Captain Glenn Wilson, from Georgetown, SC's Defiant Sportfishing, joined the Frenzy team as a mate. He is a gifted fisherman and fit right in with Jose and Marco and was a huge part of our success.
We sure can't forget Willy Jimenez, Frenzy's operations manager, who keeps it all glued together. Great job Willy!!!
Our friends at El Gran Escape, Marsha and Christel, as usual hosted a fabulous event. They and their staff worked tirelessly to make sure everything went smoothly. Thanks so much for everything you and your staff did for all of us!!! Now about that bar bill ...
Right now Kerwin and I are headed up to Jaco to check on the progress of the 43. Photos to follow.
The Frenzy continues ...