Well another week of great sportfishing in Costa Rica is in the books! Jenny and I took 3 couples down last Sunday to stay at Casa Carolina and fish 3 days on the Frenzy, the new 43 just launched last month. The fishing continues to be great from last month's good start to the year.
We arrived at Casa Carolina in time to enjoy a beautiful sunset while in the pool and snacking on fresh guacamole and chips made by our housekeeper Lizbeth. We were all pretty tired so after a great dinner at El Gran Escape we all went to bed reasonably early.
Day 1 - Monday 8th
Our first day greeted us with some rain held over from the previous night's showers. The girls decided they would hang back at the house and hatch a plan that involved relaxing by the pool and enjoying massages after lunch. They were successful!
The boys were not deterred by the rain which ended about 8 am. By 9:30 the sun appeared and we were on the fish. We raised a dozen or so sailish and released 5 that day. Ken caught his first billfish and Steve, an accomplished angler on Atlantic sails, caught his first Pacific billfish. He remarked on how much bigger they are than their Atlantic cousins. Graham who had fished on the Frenzy II during his recent family trip continued his fish catching ways as well.
Day 2 - Wednesday 10th

Day 3 - Friday 12th
Today was another guys day on the water as the ladies decided they would work on their tans and hang out at the house. Graham "Surfer Dog" practiced his moves down at the beach in Manuel Antonio. So I decided we would fly fish and see if Steve and Ken could catch their first billfish on fly. The day started off slow with the first 2 sails coming in low and cold. No bite out of them. I threw to the next fish that we teased in and managed to get a bite but it was one of those up the bill bites that rarely manage to stay hooked up. I could feel that by the way he bit so I was not surprised when he came off about 50 yards out.
After a slow hour or so I noticed Steve had drifted off for a short siesta so when Marco (who was driving the boat while Jose came down to visit) yelled "right long" I ran over to the rod and threw the fly in the water while hollering for Steve to wake up. Just as I was about to hand the rod over to Steve the fish came screaming in towards the transom, Marco put the boat in neutral and I cast the fly to the lit up fish. I knew I was going to get a good hookup by the way he crashed the fly and I was not disappointed! The fish went right so I struck him left and handed Steve the rod. Steve watched as his fish peeled line off the reel while dancing wildly across the water. A short time later Steve landed his first billfish on the fly. Nice work Steve.

Well now we're all back home in SC having been greeted by the remnants of a huge snowstorm. The weather in no way suits my clothes! Jenny and I had a great time introducing our friends to Casa Carolina and Frenzy Sportfishing. Good times together will become good memories.

The Frenzy continues ...
For more information:
www.casacarolinaquepos.com or, www.vrbo.com/222751