I had the pleasure of introducing my wife's sister, Amy and her husband Jeff to the wonders of their first Costa Rican vacation and topped it off with fishing on the Frenzy. You'll see by Amy's report below that she caught her first fish ever on the Frenzy and now she's hooked. What she didn't include in her report is that she is already looking for a house to buy and has ideas on a business venture in Costa Rica. Jeff and Amy are returning with our family in about 3 weeks and I can't wait to watch the competition as these two battle it out for who catches the most and the biggest fish! Of course, they will have to share rod time with Olivia, my 12 y.0. who can out-fish them all. I'll be sure to post their accomplishments while we are there. I have added a picture of Amy and her first Mahi. Next, now that Amy is an expert, she is giving fishing instructions to Jeff. It seems to have worked as Jeff soon lands a nice sailfish. Finally Jeff, Amy, and my wife Lisa are discussing strategy for the next trip with the famous Willy of Frenzy Sportfishing.
The Frenzy Continues!
"Jeff and I feel very fortunate to be learning the sport from such a great leader. Not only are we receiving private lessons from the winner of the GIFT Tournament who also happens to be the top angler but we are privileged to be on such a fine boat. My first day fishing I had zero expectations and wasn't really interested in doing much but getting a great tan! With much reluctance......I finally got up of the comfort of my lounge cushion and decided to reel in my first catch ever! (a nice sailfish) The fish just kept hittin' all day! Not only did we catch several sailfish, but I caught my first Mahi-Mahi and was fortunate enough to share it with many others that night for dinner. The Frenzy is a top-notch boat with an outstanding crew. I don't think Marco sits down all day, not even for lunch and Jose is an awesome Captain, always knowing where the fish are! The combo of Marco and Jose along with an immaculate boat are all very impressive. I feel sorry for myself for future fishing adventures if I ever have to go without the Frenzy and it's crew. Everything about my most recent trip to Manuel Antonio and Quepos was stellar. The days cannot come quickly enough for my next trip in April! I am addicted and now find myself watching fishing on the ESPN channel. I cannot wait to see Willy and Misael's smiling faces greeting us at the airport in a few weeks. Bring on the Marlin!!! or is that to much to ask?!"
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