Tuesday at last. We got a bit of a late start for me. Lots of primping and then a stop for coffee. Remember the Seattle connection. Even though we had heard it was slow off-shore, we thought we would give it a shot. We had fished about 2 hours when we came across a pod of spinner dolphin that had to be in the thousands. I have seen large pods before but nothing like this. We had some live bait and within a couple of minutes we were hooked up. Guess who took the first turn? Yep, Olivia. Marco calls her "Little Pea" as does her mother. After a prolonged battle during which time we were joined by 4 other boats, she landed a yellow-fin tuna that was estimated at 70 lbs. A new species for Olivia and of course a bigger yellow-fin than I've ever caught. All the boats worked this pod for quite awhile with the Frenzy boating the only fish.
Lisa decided she wanted to go swimming with the dolphins so She, Amy and Marco and later Olivia all jumped in and swam with the dolphins. I asked Amy if she could touch the bottom and she said that she thought it was a little deep. I told she was right and that she was snorkeling in 3000 feet of water. Jeff tried to direct them to a sea turtle that was swimming close by but they couldn't see it and it moved off too quickly. We moved off the pod and fished and over the next several hours but as we came upon this same huge pod, we would work it again. This pod would sometimes split into two pods and some would go racing off in another direction and then after some time they would join up again. It was spectacular!
Next, it was Jeff's turn. As I said it was a little slow. One fish came in and gave the teasers a look but no bites. After some time, I asked who's turn it was and we laughed when they said it was still Jeff's. We decided to give some one else a turn so we put Ian (the 5 y.o.) in the fighting chair. It wasn't more than 5 minutes and a sailfish took the bait. We were going to let Ian sit in Uncle Jeff's lap and land the fish but alas, he spit the hook. Ian had just as much fun, reeling in the bait. It was time to head for home and Sashimi. Lots of Sashimi!!
Tomorrow it's Rooster time!!!!
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