I'm actually back home to write this as I spoke of my computer woes while in Costa Rica.
Day 4 on the Frenzy found us without Chris as he was not feeling well. So Amy had Marco to herself for the day. Since it was Sunday we brought some of our employees and family members to enjoy the day. The bite was a long way out again today but since I wanted to fly-fish, felt it was worth the run to have more shots at the fish.
It wasn't long before Jose found the honey hole and we were into fish. I was first up to try my skills once again. Rafa was on the teaser rod for the first fish in the teasers. He soon had a fish to the ideal position for me to cast and the fish piled on my fly and the Frenzy team soon had the leader in the guides and we released our first sail on the fly this trip.
I wanted Amy to give it a shot but she was more in the mood to catch some rays on the bow with Lisa so I asked Willy if he wanted to give fly-fishing a try. Marco took him to the transom and gave him instructions in Spanish as I chimed in with
The baits were back in the water and I was trying to change out Willy's fly when the next fish came screaming in. I had to grab the spare rod, peel the line off and fling the fly into the water just in time to cast to the fish. Another great bite and we quickly another
Soon after a double came in but the first fish did not come close enough to cast a fly. The second fish took the Bally-hoo that was on the Shotgun and we put Marilyn, our housekeeper, on the rod. The first Fish she ever caught in her life is a nice Pacific Sailfish. Pretty good bragging rights for a nice young lady and we are 4 for 4.
Now the fish went into that weird mid-day bite they will sometimes do and either not tease well to the boat or when they do they seem too be too lazy to bite. Finally after lunch, I convince Amy to give the fly-rod a try. A fish comes in, she makes a good cast, the fish takes and she promptly lifts the rod and jerks the fly out of it's mouth. Oops! I hadn't given her the proper instruction to let the fish take the fly and keep the rod low to the water. I console her and tell her she'll get it next time. Next time will have to wait for the next trip as we didn't see another fish. We had been 4 for 4 but ended up 4 for 12 on raised sailfish. (We always wonder how many of those we would have landed on conventional tackle) We also had another Marlin in the teasers that would have been the perfect size on a fly but it turned off quickly without teasing to the boat. We headed home after another great day of fishing with the crew of the Frenzy.
I'll finish my blog about our trip soon but I have to get some pictures from Chris and Amy's cameras.
The Frenzy continues.....