Saturday, April 10, 2010

Steffen Spring Break-Second Day of Fishing

I am very fortunate to have a wife and kids who are not afraid to try new adventures. We loaded up the car and met some of Costa Rican friends and headed off to Rancho del Tilapia. It was about a 20 minute ride from Quepos at the foot of the mountains.

Ian was quick to get a cane pole and soon had his dinner caught. We let our friends and the kids catch all the fish.

Ian later wanted to know why they didn´t have nice rods like the Frenzy. He told me he preferred a nice custom rod over the cane pole. I forgot to include this picture of Ian landing his Yellow-fin Tuna from the first day of our fishing. You can see the difference in equipment. I set up a 6wt. fly-rod and after changing flies and lines finally landed a new specie of fish for me on a muddler minnow.

Lisa was in La Cocina learning the local cooking techniques. The owners prepared our food over a wood burning outdoor stove. The local fare was served on wooden plates covered with a fresh banana leaf. It was muy delicioso.

After lunch, the kids played in the pool, fed from a local stream

while Willy gave me a tour of the ranch and pointed out some of the local flora and fauna.

On the way back we saw turkey next to the road and I thought of our friends, the Walker´s in South Carolina, who love to hunt Turkey.

Next… our other secret weapon!!!!!

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